Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chamber Of Commerce Thrust Into Political Firestorm

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's $75 million campaign effort for the 2010 elections is being threatened by allegations that the business lobby receives funds from foreign entities to use on electioneering.

On Tuesday, the liberal blog Think Progress published a report detailing how international sources are contributing to the Chamber's massive and largely secretive pool of campaign funds. The business group insisted that they have processes in place to ensure that foreign money isn't being used on domestic elections (which would be against the law). They also argued that the report was a partisan hit job.

As questions of legality surfaced, a far more compelling political narrative was taking place. Democrats, whose opponents are being aided by the Chamber, have begun the process of turning that support (often perceived in positive terms by local voters) into something potentially more toxic. Senator Al Franken (D-Minn.), for one, demanded that the FEC investigate the sources of the Chamber's cash. Rep. Tom Perriello -- in a tight re-election battle in Virginia's fifth district -- advanced the ball by charging the Chamber with using foreign government donations to, essentially, buy his seat. And Senator Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) embroiled in his own tight re-election contest, called on his opponent Ken Buck to reject the Chamber's support, both political and financial.

"Why won't Ken Buck stand up against the practices of these shady special interests orchestrating attacks on his behalf and denounce the practice of accepting overseas expenditures to fund smear campaigns?" said Bennet for Colorado spokesman Trevor Kincaid. "Ken Buck should reject the Chamber's support and call on them to immediately stop running ads on his behalf with tainted foreign money."

Read more: Chamber Of Commerce Thrust Into Political Firestorm
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