Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Toxic Glee - Grilled Cheesus

So who watched last night's Glee? Anybody who is anybody probably did. It was simply amazing. It was great for all of the wrong reasons. Of course, it had Britney Spears in it, so of course you would feel a little bit dirty after it.

It reminds you how wild Britney would make you. I remember the girls would take up her lead and dress up as the free school girl that Britney played. And then we see pythons as pets.

The Glee cast did an amazing job with this episode. They helped relive all of the good and wild moments by Britney down to a T. And we cannot forget their final song. 'Toxic' was simply amazing. I tend to not like to buy Glee songs, but I'm thinking I may have to make an exception for this song. It was so well-put together.

Probably my favorite part was when they all went to John Stamos' dentistry to get under anestesia to have their 'Britney Fantasy'. Each one had a new one, and each one was a Britney hit. What was also funny was that Kurt was the only one to first have the idea of a Britney performance. By the end of the episode, almost everyone wanted a Britney performance after visiting Stamos.

Another funny thing was during the 'Toxic' performance, Sue yelled, "Sexual Riot", and turned the fire alarm on. Everybody rushed out, and Sue had to have a neck brace on due to everyone trampling on her.

So, this episode was really funny. It had a little bit of everything. It just goes to show that Britney is truly a pop/sex icon, and she probably will never give up her crown. If only she would straighten up a bit, then she could make some really good music again!

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