Friday, October 8, 2010

Karen Owen Powerpoint Presentation: Should It Be Considered Bullying?

Duke University has been rocked with a scandal after student Karen Owen’s Powerpoint Presentation detailing her sexual encounters with various university athletes has gone viral.

The presentation was initially intended to be a joke as an “unofficial senior thesis”, but it’s quickly turned into a mockery of more than a dozen men, and also of Duke University and Karen Owen herself.

In the wake of the tragic case of student bullying that occurred with Rutgers freshman Tyler Clementi, should Karen Owen’s powerpoint presentation be considered a form of cyber-bullying as well?

Tyler’s roommate, Dharun Ravi, posted a live video online of Tyler having a romantic encounter with another male student. It was the ultimate invasion of privacy that ended with Tyler choosing to end his own life over the embarrassment.

Karen Owen also committed serious acts of privacy invasion on the part of these male students, so can’t she be considered a student bully as well? Surely the men that she talked about are completely humiliated.

The online world just seems to be getting scarier every day. Young adults seem completely uninhibited as to what they feel is appropriate to share online.

Karen Owen is just the latest example in a bullying trend that doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.

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